Who We Are

The Berlin Autism Clinic specializes in Neurodiversity Affirmative Autism Identification assessments for adults. Established in 2023 by a Clinical Psychologist with over a decade of experience working with Autistic adults and children, as well as their families across the UK and Europe, our clinic is committed to being at the forefront of progressive and neuro-affirming approaches to assessment and therapeutic interventions for Autistic individuals.

We aim to make these assessments as accessible and far-reaching as possible. We complete most assessments remotely. There is the possibility of in-person assessments in Berlin, Germany and London, UK. If you would like an in-person assessment and live outside of these cities, do contact us for more information.

Our Mission:

Our primary goal is to be led and informed by the Autistic community throughout our assessment process and all associated communications. We actively engage in research, contributing to the development of progressive neuro-affirmative approaches to better understand and support Autistic individuals.

As Autistic allies, we celebrate the strengths and unique qualities that arise from Autistic differences. Recognizing the diverse nature of the Autistic community, spanning race, culture, and gender diversity, we value and prioritize inclusivity. We welcome suggestions from the community on how we can continually adapt and enhance our services to better meet the needs of all Autistic individuals.