Our Services

What we offer


If you feel that you may be ready to begin the process of exploring autism identification, this is an opportunity to meet with your Clinical Psychologist. You may use this space to ask about details in the process or reflect on any worries you may have. If you already self-identify as autistic, we may discuss influencing factors to pursue formal identification.

In order to ensure a comfortable experience, you have the flexibility to choose between a video call, telephone conversation, or written communication via email or WhatsApp. To accommodate the high demand, these consultations are limited to 15 minutes and are offered at no cost. There is no obligation to proceed with the full autism identification assessment. To schedule a consultation, kindly reach out to us at info@berlinautismclinic.com.

Autism Identification Assessment

  • £1200 for UK residents

  • €1380 for Europe-wide residents

Prior to your assessment, your Clinical Psychologist will e-mail you outlining the topics of discussion during the assessment. Our assessment will be made up of exploring your experiences and will be led by the initial information you return upon booking. Although we will using a neuro-affirmative framework, we will be mapping your experiences collaboratively on a triangulation grid that will adhere to the criteria of the DSM-V.

It is important to learn about your early development to complete the process. We understand that an autism identification assessment can be deeply personal, and you may not want to involve members of your family or friends. There is no requirement to include family, and it is your decision how you obtain and share information from early life.

An autism identification assessment takes approximately 2 hours to complete. We aim to keep the assessment process transparent and collaborative throughout. This means that we will decide together whether Autism is the best descriptor for your experiences. After completing the assessment, we dedicate time to discuss suitable resources and provide guidance. Our goal is to deliver all documentation to you within 14 working days from the assessment's completion.

This documentation will include:

  • a copy of the DSM-5 triangulation grid

  • a full report outlining your experiences and the outcome of the assessment

  • a statement letter (briefly states the outcome of the assessment)

  • employer adjustments report (if necessary)

We seek to use and provide documentation with consistent neuro-affirmative language, therefore avoiding using the term ‘diagnosis’. We understand that in some countries and services the use of the word ‘diagnosis’ is required for identification documentation to be recognized. Upon your request, we can provide a statement letter using your preferred terms.

We provide a post-diagnostic therapy session for those individuals identified as Autistic to reflect on their identity and experience thus far. This is offered outside The Berlin Autism Clinic, with a trusted neuroaffirmative therapist, Kadri Arula at Arula Music Therapy. There is no additional cost for this service.

At this time, our assessments are mainly online. There is a possibility to complete in-person assessments upon request for an additional fee. Please do contact us if this would be of interest to you.

Our assessments are fully NICE guidelines and ESCAP compliant. If you would like to ensure that your assessment includes all required information to be recognized in your country of residence, do send through your inquiry for confirmation. Our assessments have consistently been recognized by health institutions.

Our assessments are completed in English.

To book for autism identification assessment, kindly reach out to us at info@berlinautismclinic.com .

Parent and Carer Groups

  • £250 for UK residents

  • €290 for Europe-wide residents


We aim to provide a series of parent groups geared towards specific areas of difference for parents of neurodivergent children. Our goal is to make these accessible to parents of all neurotypes, and do not require children to have a diagnosis to join. These will be spaces for learning, sharing and bonding with other families that may be having similar experiences. These groups have been created in collaboration with neurodivergent parents as well as neurotypical parents with neurodivergent children.

All groups will be facilitated in English.

If you are interested in joining any of the below groups, do e-mail infor@berlinautismclinic.com for more information.

The groups that we will be offering are:

Sleep: 2 sessions (1.5 hours each)

Toileting: 2 sessions (1.5 hours each)

Feeding: 2 sessions (1.5 hours each)

Emotion regulation: 2 sessions (1.5 hours each)